Right out of our garden we made this delicious and spicy Hot Sauce. The Scoville scale is a measurement of how hot a pepper is. It is measured in heat units. Knowing the hotness of a pepper helps you develop a sauce that is perfect for you. If you care about the color such as a deep red, you want to stick to solely to red peepers such as Cayenne(40,000 Scolville units) or thai red chili(50,000-100,000), but I love the combination of Cayenne, buena mulata(30,000-50,000), shishito(50-200), and two varieties of jalepenos(2,000-8,000). This sauce is spicy! We added fresh tomatoes to. bring it down a bit! Go create and enjoy!


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 0

Servings: Completely depends on your palette

  • 4 cups of hot peppers

  • 1/2 diced red onion

  • 5 cloves of diced garlic

  • 1 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 8 cherry tomatoes


Chop the, peppers, garlic, onion and place in a food processor or blender. Add the apple cider vinegar and the salt and the red cherry tomatoes. Blend until desired consistency! Enjoy!


Tomato Sauce-with a Kick!


Chicken Coconut Milk Curry Soup